Ben Miller
- Title / Position: Assistant Professor of English and Communication
- Organization: Georgia State University
- Website:
- Twitter: intransitive
Dr. Ben Miller works in critical cultural studies of computational and networked media around the problematic of individual and collective memory of traumatic events. By investigating how new technologies were developed and applied to better tell stories of survival from human atrocities, such as genocide in Cambodia and ethnic cleansings in Bosnia, Guatemala, and Rwanda, and environmental catastrophes, such as the 2011 TÅçhoku tsunami and the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Ben hopes to better understand the relationship among liminal events, memory, and technology, the consequences of such a tightly coupled mnemonic-technical system, and to facilitate more efficacious technical interventions for the human rights and mental health workers who are amongst the first responders to traumatic events.||Research in collective memory imbricates language theory and natural language processing, game studies and interactive storytelling, and visual media studies from wet photography to post-lenticular optics. That diversity has been reflected in Ben's graduate and undergraduate teaching at Georgia State, M.I.T., Georgia Tech, and Emory University on comparative media studies, electronic writing, collective memory, technical communication for computer science, history of science and technology, and comparative literature.||Ben is PI on a NSF and SSHRC Digging into Data project, "Digging into Human Rights Violations," that explores methods for stitching together narratives and entities from across the breadth of collections pertaining to mass violations of human rights.
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When and Where
Lawrence, Kansas
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